Rossvyaz and Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society signed an agreement

Mr. Duhovnitsky, Head of the Federal Communications Agency and Mr. Stepashin, the Chairman of IOPS signed a cooperation agreement on March 19, 2014, which means organization of philatelic programs and cultural-historical and orthodox activities.

“We are making this agreement, recognizing the social importance of philatelic movement in promoting the spiritual, historical and cultural heritage of Russia as a matter of national pride ," - said Mr. Dukhovnitsky.

Have signed for 5 years, this agreement provides for cooperation in the stamps production, marked envelopes and cards, philatelic cultural-historical and Orthodox products.

According to Mr. Stepashin, the point is primarily about of distribution organization of state postage stamps (SPS) and philatelic products, using the federal postal network service and other retail chains.

“We take into account the necessity of attraction wide attention of Russian and international community to the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of Russia, to the Russian unique historical and cultural objects of Orthodox monuments "- said Sergey Stepashin.”

Parties agreed to cooperate in organizing the philatelic exhibitions, implementation of special commemorative cancellations SPS and philatelic products , as well as the publication of informational materials and regular exchange of such materials and archival documents for the organization of work release of SPS.

Mr. Duhovnitsky visited the museum exposition and left good wishes in the guest book.

From the Rossvyaz part, Mr. Shelikhov, the deputy head and Mr. Adibekov, General Director of  “Marka” Publishing Centre, were also taking part in the ceremony.

The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society was established on May 8, 1882 by the Emperor Alexander III Decree. Currently, IOPS is an international charitable, educational and humanitarian organization, which duties are to promote the Orthodox pilgrimage to the Holy Land, scientific researches, oriental and humanitarian cooperation with the peoples of the Middle East.