Основано в 1882 году Указом императора Александра III
«Не умолкну ради Сиона, и ради Иерусалима не успокоюсь» (пророк Исайя)
Императорское Православное Палестинское Общество

Председатель Комитета Почетных членов

Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл

Председатель ИППО Сергей Степашин

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  • Этот день в истории ИППО
    23 марта 1894 (11 марта ) открыт Черниговский отдел ИППО, председателем которого является Антоний, епископ Черниговский и Нежинский; почётный член ИППО и товарищ председателя – Евгений Константинович Андреевский, Черниговский губернатор, пожизненный действительный член ИППО.
    Патриарх Московский и всея Руси, Председатель Комитета Почетных членов ИППО
    Как сохранить свободу человека? Как сохранить его способность отличать добро от зла, в том числе в мире политики, в общественной жизни, в мире искусства, в мире человеческого творчества? Как не заблудиться? Как за считанные дни не потерять своего первородства? Ответ только один — чтить Бога и прославлять Его, исполняя Его волю.

    Pages in English:

    Press TV: «Russia to continue to promote inter-religious partnership»
    Commemorative events celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the glorification of the Fortieth Anniversaryof the glorification of Royal Martyrs and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fedorovna
    The UK Branch of the IOPS held its first meeting since the Covid epidemic
    Patriarch of Antioch meets with representative of Russian Orthodox Church and ambassador of Russian Federation
    Photo: tsarnicholas2.files.wordpress.com
    Investigative Committee confirms veracity of Romanov remains, examinations continue to remove even slightest doubt
    Articles of IOPS members in the journal «Christianity in the Middle East»
    Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy celebrated at the Russian Orthodox Church’s Representation in Damascus
    Head of Syrian branch of Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society visits Damascus Representation of Russian Orthodox Church
    Prince Charles wishes Palestinian people ‘freedom, justice and equality’
    Russian Church to Open Aid Center for Children Affected by Hostilities in Syria
    Vladimir Putin visited Greek Orthodox church in Damascus
    Interreligious Council of Russia holds its session
    Metropolitan Hilarion speaks at interfaith conference devoted to the protection of family values
    His Holiness Patriarch Kirill chairs jubilee session of the Presidium of the Interreligious Council of Russia
    DECR chairman takes part in international round table on Future of Christianity in the Middle East: Reality and Prognoses
    CONSTITUTION OF THE IMPERIAL ORTHODOX PALESTINE SOCIETY International Public Organisation (established 1882)
    Approved in its new revision at the Fourth Report and Election Conference on 2 June, 2017.
    Chairman of Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society meets with Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople
    Patriarch Kirill urges to continue Russian property restitution in Middle East
    His Holiness Patriarch Kirill chairs grand meeting held on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
    Patriarch of the Maronite Church meets with delegation of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
    Elena Agapova participated as a speaker at the OSCE Conference on «Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians»
    Photo: http://www.christiansinpakistan.com/christians-in-syria-continue-to-face-persecution
    Patriarch Kirill: Persecution of Middle East Christians surpasses scope of Soviet Russian persecution
    Damascus Patriarchs call for lifting of sanctions against Syria
    Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society’s website
    The new book "Sergei and Elisabeth" was presented in Ekaterinburg
    In Ekaterinburg was held presentation of the new book by Dmitri Borisovich Grishin "Sergey and Elizabeth", devoted to grand ducal couple. The presentation was on the birthday of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fedorovna and took place in the spiritual and educational center "Imperial", In the Patriachal compound near the Cathedral on the blood.
    The director-general ms Irina Bokova meets the president of the International non-governmantal organization the imperial orthodox Palestine society
    The Director-General Meets the President of the International Non-Governmental Organization the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
    The Imperial Orthodox society has developed a program for the conservation of cultural heritage in Syria
    Imperial Orthodox Palestinian society (IOPS) is determined jointly with UNESCO to protect from terrorists the cultural heritage in the middle East.
    Sergey Stepashin tells "KP": We have helped Syrian people for three years. Today the importance of this mission has increased threefold
    Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society delivered 12 shipments of humanitarian supplies to Damascus and other Syrian cities. Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society (IOPS), chaired by former Prime Minister of Russia Sergey Stepashin, has launched a new joint campaign in cooperation with the ‘Russian Humanitarian Mission’ and a number of churches and monasteries of Moscow to collect humanitarian aid for the suffering people of Syria.
    UNESCO director-general Irina Bokova: "Proceeds from artifacts plundered in the middle east and sold to western moneybags are used to finance terrorism"
    UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova gave details on a source of financing for terrorists of the Islamic State. In her words, Syrian heritage is now being looted on a massive scale, and it is done on demand of “moneybags from Western countries”, who are ready to pay vast sums of money for antiquities to add to their private collections.

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