Russian delegate visits Palestinian Territory to inaugurate school

Secretary General of the Palestinian Presidency, the President of Accounting for Russia, President of the Assembly of the Orthodox Empire Sergei Stepashn, put a time capsule in cement as constructions begin for a Russian funded school.

Bethlehem 13/03/2013 — put the Secretary General of the Presidency Tayeb Abdel Rahim, on behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the accounting of the Russian Federation, the President of the General Palestinian Orthodox Empire Sergei Stepashn, Wednesday, capsule build a Russian secondary school in Bethlehem, with funding from the The Russian government, where he signed Abdul Rahim with Stepashn Agreement Establishing the school.

The ceremony was attended Minister of Education Lamis Alami, head of the Presidential Office Hussein Araj, President of BSA and administrative Samir Abu Zneid, and Bethlehem governor Abdel Fattah Hamayel, and Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Rola Maiah, and mayor of Bethlehem Vera Papon.

And attended by the Russian side, a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia Oleg Takash, and Head of the Department for External Relations of the Accounting Russian Federal Nikolai Barrosan, and Assistant Chief of Accounting of the Russian Federation Yuri Grachov, the head of the Assembly Empire Orthodox Palestinian in Bethlehem David Matar.

The contract Secretary General of the Presidency at the presidential palace in Bethlehem meeting with Astepashn, where put in the form of the political situation in the light of the intransigence of the Israeli government and evasion of benefits of the peace process, through the practices of the occupation and the settlers under the protection of the Israeli army against our people and our holy places and our land, as well as the insistence of the Israeli government not release our prisoners, especially the hunger strikers, women and children and the sick.

Said Secretary General of the Presidency after the meeting that 'the Russian leadership is not far from the political developments which you know fully, and the Russian leadership always stood by our side Koagaftha us when recognized the State of Palestine an observer member of the United Nations, which support us in all forums and at all levels, especially in the complete building institutions our Palestinian state, today opened a Russian school will be the main language which is the Russian language, and students the right of priority in grants to enter Russian universities, and before that we opened the Russian Museum in Jericho, and then we opened the Russian Cultural Center in Bethlehem, is scheduled for next year that we open Russia complex large multi-purpose in Bethlehem '.

The Secretary General of the Presidency to 'the largest number of tourists visiting the Palestinian territory are Russian tourists, has promised Mr. Astepashn and the Russian leadership to increase these numbers, based on a Russian plan to invest in tourism in Palestine'.

He added that 'given the Russian leadership the great interest in contributing to building the institutions of a Palestinian state is a translation of the Russian position in order to embody the sovereignty of the land of our Palestinian state'.

He noted Abdul Rahim that 'our priority now is to move the peace process on the basis of recognition of the Israeli government to the principle of two-state solution on the 1967 borders and stop settlement', explaining that 'the Russian position stands beside us very clearly in these two cases, which Aithamnh and appreciated people and the Palestinian leadership Russia's high '.

Turning Secretary General of the Presidency to the upcoming visit of President Obama in the coming days, wishing President Obama to put the Palestinian cause on the priorities of schedule, noting that the U.S. administration is well aware of is the party that disrupts the political process and take unilateral steps, 'so we hope him to be held accountable and put an end to these practices which, if continued, will destroy the principle of a two-state solution '.

He said: 'Some parties ask us not to go to international institutions such as the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the International Criminal Court and others, and our plan is that we will coordinate with friends and with those concerned to the peace process in the Middle East before going to these organizations, and will judge our decision continued practices and aggressions and violations of international laws by Israel against our land and faced by Matgulwna of brutal practices, and assault with live ammunition on our activities popular to support prisoners in the face of settlement '.

The Secretary General of the Presidency demanded that the U.S. administration 'understands our position, which is based on truth and justice.'

And schedule a visit by President Obama, said Abdul Rahim 'has not been set the schedule so far, and we believe that President Obama will take into account when making a visit Occupied Palestinian opinion of the Palestinian Authority and orientations'.

, Said Stepashn The establishment of this Russian school comes under the guidance of Russian President to be Russian school first commends since 1917, pointing out that they celebrated over 130 years to create Assembly Empire Orthodox Palestinian opening position Russian Culture and Science in Bethlehem.

He pointed out that prior to 1917 was built in Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, 110 schools, benefiting thousands of students who learned mathematics, science, and the Russian language.

He added: 'I am very proud Baudtna to the holy land, and return to Palestine this message of love and peace through the construction of such a school that is in the interest of students', stressing that other schools will be constructed in several parts of the Occupied Palestinian expression of this bilateral cooperation.

He stressed the Russian-Palestinian relations 'which was and still is and we will work towards consolidating the best to serve the Palestinian people'.

In turn, said the scientific Russian school will be one of the most schools distinctive, and in a series of pilot projects successive backed and financed by the Russian government, stressing that this outstanding achievement further confirmation of the depth of the partnership and the high level seen in the relationship Russian and Palestinian manifested landmarks in all provinces Palestinian.

She pointed out that this project confirms that the Russian government gives the Palestinian education system in all its components and elements of the educational equation considerable interest especially with regard to infrastructure, material and environmental moral and many professional development programs.

And confirmed scientific that the roots of the partnership and cooperation between the Palestinian state and the Russian government extends through an era long and continuous understandings and hard work between the two countries through the establishment of the Russian government, through its various institutions implementing a wide range of educational projects of high quality in order to strengthen the educational infrastructure Palestinian, and provide a safe environment enables Palestinian students from receiving science free from harassment and repeated attacks against them.

She expressed the hope that the focus in the next phase on the educational needs in East Jerusalem and Area c being the areas most affected by the policies of occupation, and that affects cooperation cultural and educational exchange through the sponsorship of an active twinning programs between Palestinian schools and other Russian.

And established the Secretary General of the Presidency Tayeb Abdel Rahim held a luncheon in honor of Astepashn and his accompanying delegation at the presidential palace in Bethlehem, and delegations exchanged gifts.
Palestine school