The director-general ms Irina Bokova meets the president of the International non-governmantal organization the imperial orthodox Palestine society

On 7 October 2015, UNESCO Director-General, Ms Irina Bokova, met with the President of the International Non-Governmental Organization the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS), Mr Sergey Stepashin, at UNESCO Headquarters.

President Stepashin pledged support for the Director-General's commitment to fight against destructions and threats of cultural heritage and stated that IOPS as part of the civil society intends to assist UNESCO in reaching its goals and tasks in this field especially in Syria and Iraq and in other countries of the Middle-East. 

The Director-General emphasized UNESCO’s global approach in responding to the increasing challenges and threats, such as extremism, intolerance and cultural – both tangible and intangible - destructions. 

The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society is the oldest NGO in the Russian Federation. It is aimed at developing humanitarian, educational and scientific projects in the Middle-East, supporting pilgrimage, building relations of friendship with peoples and countries of the Middle East and defending the fundamental rights of Christians in that region.
