The Imperial Orthodox society has developed a program for the conservation of cultural heritage in Syria

Imperial Orthodox Palestinian society (IOPS) is determined jointly with UNESCO to protect from terrorists the cultural heritage in the middle East.

In Paris on Wednesday will meet the President of the IOPS Sergei Stepashin with UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, where he will present his organization developed a programme of action for the conservation of monuments of global cultural heritage in Syria. This was reported portal «Interfax-Religion» the Deputy Chairman of the society, the head of the community center of IOPS for the protection of Christians in the middle East and North Africa Elena Agapova. 

As expected, the meeting will be attended by the special envoy of the Russian President for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy foreign Minister and Deputy Chairman of the IOPS Mikhail Bogdanov. Sergei Stepashin intends to discuss with Irina Bokova, the possibility of implementation in the middle East, joint projects, cooperation in educational and humanitarian spheres, the issues associated with obtaining the IOPS consultative status with UNESCO. The society is the oldest non-governmental organization in Russia, founded in 1882 by decree of Alexander III to organize trips for Russian pilgrims to Holy places (Palestine, Athos, Bari), to assist the Church in its Ministry abroad, cultural and educational activities in the middle East, research the historical heritage of the Holy land. Currently there are 27 branches in Russia and abroad. 

The organization brings together about a thousand people. Society is already more than a year providing assistance to the Syrian people — both Christians and Muslims by sending to the country 12 shipments of humanitarian aid.
