The first Chairpersons of IOPS
The first chairpersons of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society was:
Portrait of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Presented at State Historical Museum
The exhibition The Romanovs: Portrait of a Dynasty, will close on February 10th at the State Historical Museum in Moscow, however, one final interesting touch to compliment the exhibit in its final week is a unique portrait of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (1857-1905).
Russian literature in the works of Mikhail Naimy
Author: Alyne Hine (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK)
The Influence of Russian Literature in Two Twentieth Century Arabic Periodicals
Author: Alyne Hine (School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK)
IOPS Opens Museum in Moscow
The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) opened a new museum in Moscow last week.
Russian cultural presence in Palestine and its influence on the development of Arabicliterature in the context of “Realpolitik”
(19th- 1st half of the 20th century)
Russian official conveys Putin’s message to Syrian leader
BEIRUT, April 02. /ITAR-TASS/. The visiting chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, Sergei Stepashin, on Wednesday conveyed a verbal message of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch receives delegation from Russia
On 31 March 2014, His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East received in his residence in Balamand, Lebanon, a delegation of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS), led by its chairman Mr. Sergei Stepashin, the website of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Beirut reports.
Transfer to the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) of a Land Plot in Bethlehem
The Head of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, on May 21 handed to Alexander Saltanov, Special Middle East Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation, Deputy Foreign Minister and Deputy Chairman of the IOPS, a package of documents on the transfer of the ownership of a land plot in the historic part of the city of Bethlehem to the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. In accordance with the agreement reached, a secondary school will be built on this site.
Russia to Send Humanitarian Aid to Syrian Armenians Abused by Militants in Kessab
BEIRUT, April 2 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will send humanitarian aid to Syrian Armenians who suffered abuse from local militants in Kessab within several days, Sergei Stepashin, Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS ), told RIA Novosti Wednesday.
Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society delivers humanitarian aid to Damascus
MOSCOW, April 21. /ITAR-TASS/. The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) has delivered the 10th consignment of humanitarian aid to the Syrian capital of Damascus, IOPS Deputy Chairman Yelena Agapova said on Monday.
IOPS ready to send regular batch of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees
MOSCOW, January 24. /ITAR-TASS/. The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) is ready to send the regular batch of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees, IOPS deputy chairwoman Irina Agapova told Itar-Tass.
Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society starts collecting funds to buy food for newborns in Syria
MOSCOW, September 11 (Itar-Tass) - The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS), which is the oldest Russian public organisation, intends to continue providing humanitarian aid to the Syrian people, IOPS deputy chairperson Yelena Agapova said.

В День памяти и скорби члены ИППО из Московской области и Вифлеема почтили память героев Великой Отечественной войны
Паломническая служба Калужского отделения ИППО анонсирует поездки в июле на заседании клуба «Православный паломник»
Russia to extend helping hand to christian Armenians in Syria – official
BEIRUT, April 02. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia and Syria have agreed to send humanitarian aid to the Armenian-populated town of Kessab on the Turkey-Syria border.
Russian Food and Medical Supplies Arrive in Latakia
A Russian airplane carrying 15 tons of food, medical aid arrived at the Martyr Bassel al-Assad Airport in the coastal city of Latakia, SANA reported.
Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society asks UN to defend Syrian Christians
Moscow, December 26, Interfax - The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society has called on United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to put an end to the lawlessness perpetrated by rebels in Syria.
Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society plans to send humanitarian aid to southeastern Ukraine
The Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society (IOPS) is launching a campaign to collect humanitarian relief for the southeastern regions of Ukraine.
Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society will open office in Crimea
MOSCOW, April 07. /ITAR-TASS/. The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) will open an office in the Republic of Crimea, the Society’s chairman Sergei Stepashin has said.
New exhibition opened in Narva
The new exhibition was opened in Narva Fortress Museum on 2 April 2014; the exhibition is dedicated to the founders of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian society, history of erecting churches, their compounds, hostels, schools and moments of pilgrimages to the Holy Land in the second half of the 19th century.
Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society opens first Russian school in Palestine
MOSCOW, April 07. /ITAR-TASS/. The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) would open its office in Damascus and the first Russian school in Palestine, Society’s chairman Sergei Stepashin told reporters on Monday in comments on his recent visit to Syria.
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with chairman of Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society S. Stepashin
On April 29, 2014, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, met with the chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society (IOPS), Sergey V. Stepashin. Participating in the meeting were also Ms Ye. Agapova, IOPS vice-chair, Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, DECR secretary for inter-Orthodox relations, and Mr. L. Sevastyanov, executive director of the St. Gregory the Theologian Charity.
Welcome speech by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, addressed to participants and guests at the Third Report-Election Conference of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
Dear friends,
al-Akhbar on the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister's Visit to Beirut
Who loves Russia more than the member of the Orthodox Gathering Samir Naima?
Metropolitan Hilarion meets with delegation of Association of Orthodox Families in Beirut
On June 20, 2014, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, met with a delegation of the Association of Orthodox Families in Beirut, who are on a visit to Moscow at the invitation of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, which was represented at the meeting by Ms. Ye. Agapova.
Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society on a working visit to Palestine
Sergey Stepashin, head of Russia’s Account Chamber, was on a working visit to Palestine from March 13–15, 2013, in his capacity as chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society.
Rossvyaz and Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society signed an agreement
Mr. Duhovnitsky, Head of the Federal Communications Agency and Mr. Stepashin, the Chairman of IOPS signed a cooperation agreement on March 19, 2014, which means organization of philatelic programs and cultural-historical and orthodox activities.
Archbishop Mark visits the Museum of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
On January 30, 2014, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Overseer of its Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, visited the Museum of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

По приглашению ИППО Ассоциация православных семей Бейрута посетила Москву
Предыдущая 1 2 ... 494 495 496 497 498 ... 582 583 Следующая
Международная деятельность

Состоялась встреча представителя Русской Православной Церкви с послом Российской Федерации в Сирии, действительным членом ИППО Александром Ефимовым

Действительный член ИППО митрополит Казанский Кирилл встретился с Иерусалимским Патриархом Феофилом

Зампред ИППО митрополит Волоколамский Антоний встретился с Предстоятелем Антиохийской Православной Церкви
Россия и библейский регион

Начальник Русской духовной миссии в Иерусалиме, действительный член ИППО архимандрит Вассиан (Змеев) посетил Патриарха Иерусалимского Феофила

РПЦ начала изучение вопроса о канонизации начальника Русской духовной миссии в Иерусалиме

Действительные члены ИППО приняли участие в торжественном мероприятии по случаю 65-летия основания Российского центра науки и культуры в Дамаске
Общественный центр ИППО по защите христиан на Ближнем Востоке и в Северной Африке

Зампред ИППО, руководитель Общественного Центра ИППО по защите христиан Елена Агапова: «Сегодня 380 миллионов христиан в мире подвергаются преследованиям и насилию. Эпицентром гонений является Африка.»

В ливанском городе Захле зазвучал благовест из России

Зампред ИППО Елена Агапова приняла участие в конференции в Общественной палате России
Наука. Археология. Издания

При участии действительных членов ИППО состоялась научно-практическая конференция «Ливия и Россия – стратегические перспективы»

Действительный член ИППО Сухейль Фарах принял участие в подготовке второго сборника о ливанском подвижнике митрополите Гор Ливанских Илии (Караме)

Руководитель Научной секции ИППО Сергей Житенев награжден медалью «За труды в культуре и искусстве»
ИППО в Государстве Израиль
Молодежные проекты

Члены Молодёжной секции Общества посетили Московскую городскую думу

Делегация Молодёжной секции ИППО посетила торжественное мероприятие по случаю празднования 60-летия Российского общества дружбы с Кубой

Руководитель Молодёжной секции ИППО Олег Робинов встретился со студентами Высшей школы (факультета) телевидения МГУ
Просветительская деятельность

В Московском финансово-юридическом университете (МФЮА) состоялась встреча представителей ИППО со студентами московских ВУЗов

Документальный фильм «Хитрово. Мягкая сила Российской империи»

Председатель Отдела внешних церковных связей, зампред ИППО митрополит Волоколамский Антоний выступил с лекцией перед студентами Российского православного университета
Гуманитарные миссии ИППО

Благотворительный фонд «Христианское милосердие» осуществил гуманитарную миссию по доставке подарков на Донбасс для участников СВО ко Дню защитника Отечества»

Орловское отделение ИППО приняло участие в отправке гуманитарного груза в ДНР

Состоялся Рождественский приём, организованный Благотворительным Фондом «Христианское милосердие»